Distribución GNU/Linux para Orange Pi 2G IoT

Distribución GNU/Linux para Orange Pi 2G IoT 
(Documentacion, actualizándose)

Ubuntu 16.04 
Kernel: 3.10.62-rda8810
U-Boot rda8810. 

Usar una MicroSD compatible de, almenos 4GB
2.Para grabar la imagen:
         2.1: Desde GNU/Linux:
           dd if=ImagenXxx.img |pv|dd of=/dev/sdb
         2.2:Desde Windows (Win3diskimager):

3.Conexión Datos:
           -Conexión con AP Wifi
      Está preconfigurado para acceder a un AP wifi orangepi password orangepi

4. Menú configuración :
      -Menu general:

  -Conexión ssh inverso:

 -Conexión bluetooth:


Unknown ha dicho que…
thanks for great work. Is it possible create image under 500 MB?
surfero75 ha dicho que…
Yes... for NAND?
Unknown ha dicho que…
Yes, I follow your blog and your great work for 2G-IOT, first here find instruction for connecting to network via GPRS, NAND image now in priority for me and more other people, I have problem with booting and it connected with SD card, need to reconnect power until booting strange but truth.
GE-PRO ha dicho que…
Is it possible to use a bluetooth dongle?
surfero75 ha dicho que…
I have not use a usb bluetooth dongle but this board as bluetooth 2.1, i have use it to link my smartphone.. it works
GE-PRO ha dicho que…
What linux distribution do you use?? I tried using Debian, Raspbian and Ubuntu. I can't use the blueooth of the OrangePi 2g. I have a problem when change to discoverable mode.
GE-PRO ha dicho que…
Hi, can you please help me to solve my problem with the Bluetooth?
Unknown ha dicho que…
How can I compile image for this board and where I can find sources ?

I.e from here ?
Is it possible to fit this image into nand ?
surfero75 ha dicho que…
I have use this kernel sources for armbian opi iot 2g , but today is impossible fit into nand ...
Unknown ha dicho que…
Where can I find armbian opi iot 2g sources ?
I find only this https://github.com/RDA8810
and this thread
surfero75 ha dicho que…
armbian for opi iot 2g is WIP (work in progress) you can compile and use it but the problems are the same for the "official xunlong linux for opi iot 2g version": no NAND read/write, no GPIO, etc... Really opi iot 2g is a hardware useless and abandonated from Xunlong.

If you woul like to make a armbian distribution for opi iot 2g read:

go to https://github.com/armbian/build and see instruction.. next rename orangepi2g-iot.csc (on config/boards) to orangepi2g-iot.conf and use the rest of armbian tools for compile this distribution (use compile.sh script).
But remember that is an work in progress but today useless
Unknown ha dicho que…
What kind of distribution support nand and gpio ?
surfero75 ha dicho que…
Actually no linux distribution supports nand and gpio on opi iot 2g , this board actually is unsupported by xunlong, it is abandonated .. sorry
Unknown ha dicho que…
I havn't tested this solution yet because I'm waiting for my 2g-iot board but I think that somebody has working gpios and nand.

surfero75 ha dicho que…
Its an scam...
DIEGO ha dicho que…
Hola, no logro hacer funcionar mi 2g iot, ya probé todas las imagenes y simplemente no me envia nada por el ttl, que estaré haciendo mal, cuales son los tipos de memoria compatible, estoy probando con una de 16gb clase 10.
surfero75 ha dicho que…
Con 16gb no te va a ir, te recomiendo que busques la micro sd más vieja que tengas de entre 2 y 4gb
Unknown ha dicho que…
Hace dias estoy peleando con esta placa (2g IoT)y sus sistema de audio.
Luego de instalar ALSA, no hay manera que vuelva a bootear. Queda colgado teniendo que empezar todo otra vez.
Probe con distintas distribuciones (Raspbian, Ubuntu, Debian) y con todas me pasa lo mismo.
No doy con el problema.
Por supuesto cualquier ayuda sera apreciada.
Alfred ha dicho que…
Existe alguna distro armbian, buildroot, debian,.... mas o menos actual que funcione con esta placa? Me parece que ha quedado abandonada. Usar Qt 5.15 es imposible con la orange pi 2g
Adrian Rupp ha dicho que…

Aqui tem as distro oficiais para baixar, só colocar na parte da placa 2G IOT:

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