Control led con Arduino uno R3 y pantalla touch de 2.0" Driver: S6D1121

Este es el anuncio del dispositivo:

  • se puede utilizar directamente para mostrar los caracteres, gráficos e imágenes en formato BMP.
  • compatibilidad: Porque el nivel lógico 3.3 V, es compatible con 3.3 V placa Arduino, por lo general, es necesario agregar un circuito de conversión de nivel si se utiliza un 5 V
  • Placa Arduino (Arduino uno R3/Mega2560 Arduino/Arduino Leonardo).
  • biblioteca de Arduino: UTFT
  • conductor IC: S6D1121
  • tipo de pantalla táctil: pantalla táctil resistiva
  • resolución: 240X320, $ number bits (262,000) color
  • tamaño de la pantalla: 2.0 pulgadas;
  • voltaje de funcionamiento: 3.3 V

Driver TFT:                        Http://
Driver touch 4 pines:                 Https://
Todas las librerías necesarias: Https://

Con el siguiente programa arduino controlamos la pantalla de tft touch de 2.0", comprada en aliexpress por 3€.
Controlaremos por medio de un botón en pantalla un led usando el pin 5 de la placa arduino y un sensor DHT22 temperatura/humedad. Para las pruebas use el arduino uno R3:


* Arduino 2″ TFT Touch Display and dht22 humidity and trmparature sensor.
* Created by surfero

#include                         //
#include                     //Touchscreen library
#include                          //Humidity and temperature sensor library

#define DCS  6                            // Chip select pin of touch screen
#define DCLK A1                            // Clock pin of touch screen
#define DIN  A2                            // Data in pin of touch screen
#define DOUT 7                            // Data out pin of touch screen

#define YAXIS 0                           //Axis of the TFT sceen
#define XAXIS 1

#define DHTPIN 3                        // Temp and humidity sensor
#define DHTTYPE DHT22                    //Sensor type

#define PRESSDELAY 200                   //Delay between touch screen readings

Touch_AS Touch(DCS, DCLK, DIN, DOUT);    // Initialize touchscreen
UTFT myGLCD(ITDB24E_8,A2,A1,A3,A0);  // Initialize display
DHT dht(DHTPIN, DHTTYPE);                // Initialize temp and humidity sensor

extern uint8_t BigFont[];                //Setting fonts for the LCD
extern uint8_t SmallFont[];
extern uint8_t SevenSegNumFont[];

unsigned long temparatureMillis = 0;     //Store the last temp reading time
int x, y;                                //Store touch cordinates
String tempUnit = "C";                  //Temperature measurement unit
unsigned long millisNow =0;             //Store touch time to ignore repeated touch signals

void setup()

// Initial setup

 myGLCD.setBackColor(0, 0, 255);

 drawScreen(0);                         //Call draw screen function
 dht.begin();                           //Sratr the temp and humidity sensor

void loop()
   if (Touch.Pressed()){               //Check to see if the touch screen is pressed
     x=Touch.GetCoord(XAXIS);          //Get X cord
     y=Touch.GetCoord(YAXIS);          //Get Y cord
     if(x>105 && x<225 amp="" y="">95 && y<130 span="">
       //Skip touchscreen readings for the next 500ms(set in PRESSDELAY).
       //This is used because whenever the sceen in touched it sends the cordinates continously.
       //We only need to toggle the unit once per touch.
       if(millis()-millisNow >= PRESSDELAY){
         millisNow = millis();      

        if(tempUnit == "C"){          //Toggle temparature unit
           tempUnit = "F";
        else if(tempUnit == "F"){
          tempUnit = "C";
   //Check temparature every 2000ms (2 seconds)
   if(millis() - temparatureMillis >= 2000){
     temparatureMillis = millis();
//Function to read temparature and humidity
void readTemparature(){
 float h = dht.readHumidity();              // Read humidity
 float t = 0;
 if(tempUnit == "C"){
   t = dht.readTemperature();               // Read temperature in C
   t = dht.readTemperature(true);            // Read temperature in F

 // Check if any reads failed and exit early (to try again).
 if (isnan(h) || isnan(t)) {
   Serial.println("Failed to read from DHT sensor!");
 //Serial.print("Temp: ");
 updateTemp(t, tempUnit);

//Function to draw screens. Parameter will set which sreen to draw (When more than one screen)
//Documentation for the screen library-
void drawScreen(int screen){
 //0= home screen (More screens will be added later)
 if(screen == 0){
   myGLCD.print("Data from sensor", CENTER, 30);
   myGLCD.setColor(255, 0, 0);
   myGLCD.setBackColor(0, 0, 0);
   myGLCD.setColor(255, 255, 255);
   myGLCD.print("Temparature", CENTER, 70);
   myGLCD.setColor(255, 255, 255);
   myGLCD.print("Humidity", CENTER, 150);

//Function to update temparature
void updateTemp(float val, String unit){
   myGLCD.drawRoundRect (105, 95, 225, 130);
   myGLCD.printNumF(val, 2, CENTER, 100);
   myGLCD.print(unit, 205, 100);

//Function to update humidity
void updateHumidity(float val){
   myGLCD.drawRoundRect (105, 175, 225, 210);
   myGLCD.printNumF(val, 2, CENTER, 178);
   myGLCD.print("%", 205, 178);


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