
iOS 13.3 Downgrade to iOS 13.2.3 No shsh blobs with succession

iOS 13.3 Downgrade to iOS 13.2.3 No shsh blobs with succession   Downgrading IOS 13.3 to 13.2.3 without SHSH Blobs, using Succession! How to downgrade! , install Cydia, filza and succession 1.3.8 from github or repo. Download official ipsw and place in   succession   folder. Open   succession , go to settings, set restore rootfs only! Let it open your ipsw and extract rootfs. Once it has finished restore and fixing apps, it will reboot and boot loop. Put in recovery or dfu and jailbreak. Once it boots, delete setup.app, you can use one of the one click bypass or do it your self! Only issue I have is bellow! Download Succession Restore DOWNGRADE TO 13.2.3 USING SUCCESSION REQUIREMENT: Bypassed iCloud iDevice using  SoNick_14   method  (paid) or any other method like F3arRa1n or  ShiftKey  (free) IOS 13.2.3 IPSW you can test it on older versions, and share it in twitter Checkra1n v0.9.2  (link checkra1n) iFunBox or any ...

Comandos SSH, shell

Commandos: Paste this into the first terminal window: ./tcprelay.py -t 44:2222 Paste this into the second terminal window: ssh root@localhost -p 2222 After you see “-bash-3.2#”, paste these lines individually, followed by enter: mount -o rw,union,update / echo "" >> /.mount_rw cp -r /var/binpack/Applications/loader.app /Applications ———————————————————————————— Agregar archivos Open y Info en iFunBox … ———————————————————————————— Seguimos los comandos.. cp /var/mobile/Media/Downloads/open /usr/bin chmod 755 /usr/bin/open cp /var/mobile/Media/Downloads/Info.plist /Applications/loader.app uicache --all   killall backboardd cp /Applications/Preferences.app/Preferences /Applications/Setup.app cd /Applications/Setup.app mv Setup Setuporiginal mv Preferences Setup uicache --all   killall backboardd Abrimos Checkra1n open kjc.loader Instalamos Cydia …. …...

How to run checkra1n on Windows and Linux with ra1nstorm

step by step instruction guide to help you install  ra1nstorm . The ra1nstorm helper prepares an environment adequate for running checkra1n and exploiting your iOS device in a macOS virtual machine. Before attempting to do anything related to ra1nstorm, make a backup before using ra1nstorm. This software is provided WITHOUT WARRANTY in the hopes that it will be useful.  myicloudinfo  does not accept responsibility for any damages that may occur. also use this tutorial on a machine with 6GB or up of RAM. Please follow all instructions, it is very important. If you run an error, please report it to the Rainstorm Discord or on Github. Automatically configures an environment to run checkra1n! STAGE 1 (Note: If you have Unbuntu, skip to # Stage 2) For Windows Users: Download setup.exe Run it, it will download Xubuntu, wait till it finishes. Once it finishes open Xubuntu installer. When the Xubuntu installer is opened choose the 64GB option, and then ins...