Instalar Domoticz en Raspberry con Razberry

So, like us, you’re into the fantastic world of Z-Wave, which is a great wireless technology for the whole Internet of Things and home automation fields. We will guide you step by step how to install the home automation software ”Domoticz” on to your Raspberry equipped with the Z-Wave add-on card called Razberry (easy to mix up Ra sp berry and Ra z berry). We like Domoticz because it has a relatively intuitive and nice looking user interface. What do you need to get Domoticz up and running with your Raspberry and Razberry? A Raspberry Pi (we use version 2). To install Domoticz, we’ll connect remotely to our Raspberry using the command line interface on our Mac. If you need guidance how to remotely connect to your Raspberry, follow these steps . The Razberry add-on card Plugging in the Razberry add-on card on top of our Raspberry A good rule of thumb is to always unplug the power from your Raspberry before you plug in or unplug keyboards, mouse, ethernet cables etc. ...